At events, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their audience and leave a lasting impression. Traditional methods like brochures and presentations are effective to some extent, but in today's digital age, businesses need to think of other engaging aspects to truly captivate their target market. This is where brandable games can be utilised by exhibitors. Brandable games are a cutting-edge strategy that combines entertainment with brand promotion to create memorable experiences for attendees.

In this blogpost we’ll discover the benefits of brandable games and which industries can use this event marketing strategy.


What Are Brandable Games?

Brandable games are interactive experiences tailored to incorporate a businesses’ branding and marketing objectives. These games can range from digital experiences to physical challenges, designed to engage event attendees while reinforcing brand identity.  Whether it’s a trivia quiz showcasing business services or a wheel to win branded items, these games provide a unique opportunity to captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression.


Why Use Branded Games?

Branded games offer a range of advantages over traditional marketing methods. Their benefits include:

Higher Engagement

Games inherently capture attention and encourage active participation, ensuring that attendees are fully immersed in the brand experience.

Increased Memorability

Interactive and entertaining experiences leave a lasting impression on participants, increasing brand recall long after the event is over.

Brand Awareness

Games allow for a higher visibility and recognition among event attendees.

Streamlined Data Collection

 Branded games provide opportunities to capture leads, as well as participants' preferences and behaviours, enabling businesses to tailor their marketing efforts and follow-up communications.


Industries That Can Benefit from Brandable Games

Branded games are highly versatile and adaptable, making them suitable for businesses across various sectors and industries. Here’s just some of the examples of industries which can utilise brandable games for their event strategies.

  • Finance: Educate clients about financial services or investment strategies through gamified experiences.
  • Healthcare: Raise awareness about health issues or medical innovations through interactive campaigns and challenges.
  • Hospitality and Tourism: Promote office destinations or travel experiences through virtual tours or adventure-themed games.
  • Technology: Demonstrate the capabilities of new software or hardware through interactive simulations or information sharing games.
  • Consumer Goods: Engage customers with branded trivia games or product-themed puzzles.


ExpoBeacon’s Brandable Games

At ExpoBeacon, we offer a range of interactive games that can help to capture attendees’ attention and increase your overall event success. All our brandable games have different levels of customisation to draw in stand visitors and keep your brand memorable. Our brandable games also feature a leaderboard and associated lead capture form to help streamline your data collection and make after-event marketing easy. From an interactive trivia quiz with personalised questions, to spin the wheel for rewards and prizes, we offer a range of games to suit your event objectives. See our range of games here

We also work with businesses to create bespoke projects that encapsulates all of your event requirements. Find out more here.


Final Thoughts

Brandable games offer a compelling blend of entertainment and brand promotion that can elevate events and trade shows to new heights of engagement and impact.

With their ability to captivate audiences, reinforce brand messaging, and generate valuable insights, brandable games are becoming an indispensable tool for exhibitors seeking innovative ways to connect with their target audience at events.